The course highlights the importance of correct Vehicle Maintenance to maximise both driver and passenger safety whilst also minimising the risk to other road users. It will also help to prolong the lifespan of the vehicle and aid fuel economy.
Our WINTER DRIVING online course will equip your driving force with the knowledge and awareness needed to tackle winter driving head on whilst reducing collision rates.
REFRESHER courses are often overlooked even though they are a key element towards maintaining a low driver risk and continued DRIVER COMPLIANCE.
This course assists drivers to be self-analytical about their mental and physical wellbeing and covers a wide range of subjects from your fitness to drive, medical and best practices on how to combat fatigue.
Driver Distraction is one of the BIGGEST causes of road fatalities today. This course reinforces the implications both to road users and companies and has proven to reduce the number of accidents.
With motorway related road deaths on the rise this course will help to tackle the fact that the majority of drivers have never received tuition on how to drive on motorways safely.
This course familiarises commercial drivers with the key
facts required to help prevent a bridge strike thus reducing company liability.
The highest rate of Road Traffic deaths (66%) occur on Rural Roads each year making this bite size course a must for any driver.